Welcome to the
We are the generation that lives ahead of our time and we
live in this present world by the power of the age to come.
We live in a world where we need to recharge ourselves daily
with the LIVING WORD. This word keep us going, it is the ANCIENT WORD that is
ever true. We need to feed on this word so we might grow out of drinking milk
to cracking bones.
We are the light of the world so we should illuminate every
path of darkness and make sure righteousness reigns, howbeit this may not come
to being if we fail to live by the LIVING WORD that proceeds out of the mouth
of the LIVING GOD.
The weight of the LIVING WORD in a Christian actually
depicts the level of his operation. So you need to study to show yourself approved... The LIVING WORD is a lamp that brightens
the feet and illuminates paths, hide it in your heart daily that you may not sin
against LIVING GOD.
Be the DOER and not the READER and HEARER alone and let the LIVING WORD
Read and Live the
LIVING WORD daily!!!
- Ajisafe Babajide
- Ajisafe Babajide