Jacob’s Well
Jesus had to pass through Samaria
On his journey to Galilee.
He had earlier left Judaea
Because of the Pharisees.
He came to the city of Sychar
Located near Jacob’s well.
If this well could only talk
It would have quite a story to tell!
Jesus had endured a long journey
His strength being put to the test.
He being weary from travel
Sat down by the well to rest.
A woman came to draw water,
Jesus said, “Give me to drink.”
She being a Samaritan woman
Did hardly know what to think!
The woman said to Jesus
How is it that a Jew
Would ask a drink of me, a Samaritan
With whom a Jew will have nothing to do?
Then Jesus gave her a reply
That would really make her think
If you knew who it was that asked of thee
You would have asked Him for a drink.
Then Jesus continued His message
Motivated by His great love
The water He gives would be living
Water that comes from above.
Just where would this water come from?
The woman wanted to know.
He could not draw from this deep well
So how could this be so?
Art thou greater than our father Jacob
Who drank from this wonderful well
And so did his children and cattle
Art thou greater than he, pray tell?
Jesus said whosoever drinks of Jacob’s well
Shall thirst perpetually
But whoso drinks of the water that I shall give
Shall live eternally.
She said, “Sir, give me this water”
That I thirst not nor come to this well.
Jesus said, “Go call thy husband’
For He had a message to tell.
Her response was an honest confession
For she had no husband to call.
Jesus said she had had five husbands
And the one she had was not a husband at all.
Now the woman was surprised
That Jesus knew so much
She perceived Jesus was a prophet
For He had that heavenly touch.
Next, she brought up the act of worship
For she really was confused.
Jesus said, “We know what we worship
For salvation is of the Jews.”
Then He began to gently teach her
What we must not fail to do
And He told her “God is a Spirit”
That the Father seeks worshippers true.
They must worship Him in spirit
And the truth must guide their way
We have the truth, it is written
So we must the truth obey.
Now this woman had the faith
That the Messiah she would see.
Jesus then gave her the message
“I that speak to thee am He!”
So the woman left her waterpot
As more excited she became
And she went into the city
To tell them of this man of fame.
Then the people came to see Him
And they heard Him preach the Word.
They confessed He was Christ the Saviour
Being convinced by what they heard.
So the lesson we must learn
From this woman at the well
Tell someone about the Saviour
We might save a soul from hell!
For the soul is our prized possession
Worth more than the world and all its gold
Then some day when life is over
We shall rejoice with joy untold.
D. Arbaugh