God’s kingdom
Words have meaning
Wise men have often said
Be careful how you use them,
For many have been mislead.
We are commanded by the scriptures,
The oracles of God are to guide our speech.
So we must speak in harmony with the gospel
Or the wrong message we will teach.
The prophets spake of the kingdom
And Jesus taught it in his model prayer,
Through it would come man’s salvation,
So it’s the kingdom we should declare.
Jesus said he would build his ekkleksia
Translators began to render it, “the church.”
We lost sight of the object of the prophets.
The kingdom got left in the lurch.
If we would speak more of the kingdom,
And Jesus as the King of Kings,
We would magnify the message of the prophets,
And bring more clarity to these things.
The souls “called out” by the gospel,
Are translated into the kingdom of his dear Son.
They are moved from the power of darkness,
Into the kingdom where the crown is won.
But when we begin to talk about the church
The question always arises-“which one?”
The first thing most people think of is a building,
And it’s there, a lot of confusion has begun!
But if we stress the beauty of the kingdom,
Of which Isaiah, Joel and Daniel prophesied,
Then we have firmly established the oneness,
For which the King of Kings was crucified.
So let’s not talk of “church of Christ preachers”
But speak of gospel preachers instead.
And please don’t talk of “church of Christ doctrine”
But simply answer-This is what the Bible said !
And let’s quit saying –“We’re going to church”
Let’s go to the assembly instead.
Or why not say-“We’re going to worship?”
That’s in harmony with what Christ said!
Let your speech be always with grace,
Seasoned with the salt of love.
Let your thoughts be on the kingdom
And the heavenly courts above.
Some will choose to leave the kingdom
In spite of all our prayers and toil.
Jesus tells us it will happen,
Because of the nature of the soil.
But the soul that seeks salvation
Will dig in and firmly stand
On the solid Rock of Ages,
Looking toward the Promised Land!
Finally, there is a valid warning,
It applies to one and all.
Let him that thinks he securely standeth,
Carefully TAKE HEED lest he fall !
D. Arbaugh