Daily Devotional April 21, 2017
Claim God’s Grace
Charles R. Swindoll
Scriptures: Ephesians 2:8
While most people in the world are busy building towers with highest hopes of making a name and gaining fame, God's truth sets the record straight.
On the basis of God's Book, His Holy Word, it is my plea that we simply admit our need and claim God's grace.
Instead of striving for a man-made ticket to heaven based on high achievement and hard work (for which we get all the credit), I suggest we openly declare our own spiritual bankruptcy and accept God's free gift of grace.
"Why?" you ask. "Why not emphasize how much I do for God instead of what He does for me?"
Because that is heresy, plain and simple.
How? By exalting my own effort and striving for my own accomplishments, I insult His grace and steal credit that belongs to Him only.
Instead of working hard to reach heaven, let’s accept God's gift of grace.