Daily Devotional April 24, 2017
Open Restitution
Pastor W.F Kumuyi
Bible Text:
"And Zaccheus stood, and said unto the Lordif I have taken anything from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold" (Luke 19:8).
Restitution, ordinarily, refers to the act of returning something that has been lost or stolen or compensating for the theft of or damage to property. But in the Bible, it most often refers to a person being reimbursed by someone who has stolen or harmed his property. It is completely biblical for someone to pay for damage or loss. Lonzie Cunningham pointed out, "A religion that compels a man to pay his debts, take back the things he has stolen, confess his lies, and uncover his crimes has credibility."
However, it is not necessarily biblical for a Christian to demand restitution. Restitution was part of the law that God gave to Moses (Exodus 21, 22). Restitution is expected of every believer, and those who do not do it show a lack of good conscience. It must be done honestly. Zaccheus surrendered to Christ and made his restitutions openly. If you are still a sinner, repent now then seek advice from a mature Christian on proper restitution. This is a way of making peace with God and men.
Challenge: No true peace for those who would not restitute.
Prayer: Lord, give me grace to make my restitutions.
Quote: Seek advice on proper restitution
Bible Reading in one Year: Acts 23:1-5