Daily Devotional April 22, 2017
He’ll Drive out Your Enemies
Joel Osteen
In Joshua 24, the Israelites were up against seven nations that were bigger and stronger than they were. They had more equipment and more training. The Israelites didn't have a chance on their own. They could have retreated and thought, "Hey, it's not meant to be. We'll never take this land." There was no way in the natural they could defeat their enemies, but God's ways are not our ways. He said to them in verse 12, "I sent the hornet ahead of you to drive out the inhabitants. You didn't have to do it with your own sword and shield. I have given you the land that you didn't work for and cities that you didn't build."
How did God get rid of these seven powerful nations? Did He send in tanks or navy seals? Did He call down the angels of heaven? No, He sent an insect. He sent hornets ahead of them so they didn't have to fight.
Today, you may not see how your situation could ever work out, but don't worry. God has plenty of insects! In other words, He has ways to do it that you've never thought of. He may not do it in a traditional manner. Quit trying to figure everything out and just trust Him. He knows how to get you to where you're supposed to be.
The Israelites could have reasoned it out and thought, "God, they have the latest equipment. They have chariots. They're trained soldiers. We're former slaves. We don't have a chance. This is not our field." God said, "Don't worry. You're not going to have to fight. I'm going ahead of you. I'm going to level your mountains."
God is saying the same thing to you, "Put down your shields. Put down your swords. You're not going to have to worry, struggle or try to force it to happen." God is going ahead of you. He is going to drive out the inhabitants that are on your land. That means whatever is keeping you from your health, your joy, your abundance, your victory, that's your land. That's what God promised you. I believe, right now, He's beginning to drive them out. You're going to come into your land of health and wholeness! God is driving out sickness and disease. You're coming into your land of increase and promotion! He's driving out struggle and lack. You're going to come into your land of unprecedented favor. So keep standing and believing and watch Him move mightily on your behalf!