Daily Devotional April 19, 2017
Sit On Your Seat
Bishop Okonkwo
“And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him.” (Luke 4:20)
If there is any lesson God wants us to learn from Jesus, is to walk in the boldness of who we are. Look at Jesus, He went into the Synagogue, having performed no miracle, a young lad, and yet announced Himself as it had been written concerning Him. The fact that the religious rulers where there did not cower Him, the fact that the Pharisees and Sadducees were there did not make Him run back. He declared who He was because he knew he had heaven’s backing.
That is exactly the way God wants you to live. He wants you to carry His presence with the boldness of Jesus. Jesus could have entered the Synagogue, seen the religious rulers and taken the back seat, even though God had anointed Him for the assignment. If He did that, guess what would have happened? Beloved, nothing would have happened. Was the Spirit of God upon Him? Yes. But then he would have sat down like an ordinary man. Are you like that? Are you sitting down like a nobody when a special seat has been reserved for you? Yes, the seat had been prepared for Jesus, but He could not sit on it until he found himself in the book. When He did, all eyes were fastened on Him.
Are you looking for God to announce you? He won’t announce you until you take the bold step. God is not raising a weakling, cowardly church. No! He is raising a people of power and authority. He is raising men and women who will take their place. Are you among them? If yes, find out who you are, and find where your seat is and sit. When you sit on your seat, you will discover that God will honour you.
The time has come for the believer to take her rightful position. The kingdom has been turned over to us. God expects us to reign, not when we get to heaven, but to reign here and now in this life. So beloved, take your seat!
Further Reading: Isaiah 61:1-4, Luke 4:16-22
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 2 Samuel 6-8; Evening- Luke 15:1-10
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