Daily Devotional April 21, 2017
Let The Word Define You
Bishop Okonkwo
“He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias.” (John 1:23 KJV)
On Tuesday, I touched on this same topic and I feel impressed to come back to it again. You cannot fulfill purpose until you find yourself in the word of God. Elizabeth and Zachariah had been waiting for a child and God gave them one. So they called him John according to the word of God. And when he came of age, he opened the book to find out who he was. In the book of Isaiah 40, he read and saw who he was and he went to the wilderness, because according to the book, he had to be in the wilderness. But guess what? Because he sat on his seat, the bible says that all Judea and all Samaria left the city and went to the wilderness to look for him.
They will look for you.
Beloved, you have to go back to your seat. The bible defines your seat for you. The bible defines who you are, what you have, and what you can do in Christ. Since I found this truth in the bible, I have been having fun in my Christian walk. Every morning, when I wake up, I speak divine health over my life. I speak it out. “By his stripes I was healed”. Thank you for my brains, my eyes, my nose, my lungs, my kidney, my bones, my blood and my liver. Thank you for every part of my being, they are all functioning fine because you have already healed me. Thank you because my bill is paid, the budget is met, the debts are cleared. Thank you, because I function in every currency of the world.
I do that not because I am a Bishop, but because I have taken out time to locate myself in the word of God. The word does not respect anyone; it is not a function of your title, educational qualification or any other thing you can think of. All you need is to know who you are in Christ and stand boldly on it and you will see creation honoring the words of your mouth.
Further reading: Galatians 4:1-7
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 2 Samuel 12-13; Evening- Luke 16
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