Daily Devotional April 28, 2017
Trust Not In Riches
Bishop Mike Okonkwo
“Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;” (1 Timothy 6:17 KJV)
How many of you know that when somebody is terminally sick, no matter how much money he has, that is not what he is thinking about. He is not thinking about how much he has in his bank account. What he is thinking about is, how can I be healed. At that time, money can do nothing. So money is not everything!
You know some people think that they can buy anything. All I need is money and I can buy anything. But the truth is that money can never give you everything. Only God has the capacity to provide all things. So people get into all kinds of things in other to make money. At times I feel sorry for people because God is taken out of the equation. They will say if I can just make the money. It does not matter how I make it. The end justifies the means. The bible declares that wealth gotten by vanity, will greatly diminish (Proverbs 13:11).
Beloved, money can buy you a good bed, but it will not give you sleep. It can buy you a good sound system, but it cannot give you a good music in your heart. Bro Mike, are you saying money is bad? No! We need money. We need doctors. We need all the good things. If there is no money, how can we have the beautiful things? Money is important. We need money for equipment. We need money to build schools. We need money to buy cars. Money is good. Money answered all things. But I am talking about the type of wealth that can make one say; God, I don’t need you. Except the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain that build it. Money can never take the place of God. There is a vacuum in every man’s life which God only can fill.
Further Reading: Psalms 127, 1 Timothy 6:17-19
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 1 Kings 3-5; Evening- Luke 20:1-26
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