Daily Devotional May 31, 2017
So Joshua arose, and all the people of war, to go up against Ai; and Joshua chose thirty thousand mighty men of valor and sent them away by night.
And he commanded them, saying: “Behold, you shall lie in ambush against the city, behind the city. Do not go very far from the city, but all of you be ready.”
“Then I and all the people who are with me will approach the city; and it will come about, when they come out against us as at the first, that we shall flee before them…”
“Then you mighty men of valor shall rise from the ambush and seize the city, for the LORD your God will deliver it into your hand. Parenthesis added
There are two of God’s laws, which form the basis of human laws for all ages since the Flood: Do not commit murder and execute men who commit murder Genesis 9:5-6. Notice that scripture records the birth of capital punishment—it was God’s idea! When a criminal murders someone, he not only attacks the victim, but the victim’s family, society at large and God Himself, for men are created in the image of God.
Scripture tells us it is imperative that we punish criminals, both as individuals and nations. God sanctions law enforcement and sometimes war as unpleasant as it is as necessary and justifiable. When nations become criminal they must be called to account for their actions.
The Just War Theory St Augustine/Thomas Aquinas gives us several criteria to help judge whether a nation is right to wage war:
• A Just war is one aimed at repelling or deterring aggression.
• A just war must be authorized by legitimate authority with genuine intentions.
• War must be a last resort with all peaceful alternatives exhausted.
• The probability of success must be sufficiently clear to justify the costs.
• The damage inflicted must be proportionate to its objectives.
• Noncombatants must not be targeted.
The next time you hear someone express uncertainty regarding the validity of an American military action or inaction, tell him or her to consider these principles to judge whether or not it is justified.
Defend and support our military personnel for they are America’s mighty men of valor representing One Nation Under God. Pray for their protection and God’s favor that as He set up Godly authority under Joshua and delivered Israel from their enemies, He will do the same for America.
God bless the mighty men and women of valor who serve us today and who have served in the past, as we remember the sacrifices of our troops and their families this Memorial Day.
Source: Knowing The Secrets Of God, pages 92-95