Daily Devotional June 6, 2017
You Are Standing In The Arena Of Grace
Bishop Mike Okonkwo
One fact that you must understand as a believer is that before we gave our lives to Christ we were Gentiles. The human race actually fall into three categories: the Jews, the Gentiles and the Church. When you read the bible, therefore you should be able to know things spoken to the Jew. We can benefit from such but they are not written to us. Just as when I am advising somebody, you can receive benefit from the advice but I am not talking to you, even though you listened to what I was saying. There are things written to the Jews that are not for the church. That is why you must live your life in the Epistles.
As the church, we are now the new creation. God deals with us on a different level and it is called grace level. Thank God for grace. God is not imputing sin to you, because, He is dealing with you under grace. That is the reason Jesus came. He became a curse, that the blessing of Abraham may come upon the Gentiles through Jesus Christ, that we might receive the blessings of Abraham by faith.
What are the blessings of Abraham? You will see them in the book of Deuteronomy 28. It opens by saying that if thou shall diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all that is written therein, then these blessings will come. If you are not careful, because it says you have to obey, you will remove your name. But ladies and gentlemen, it is no more your obedience. Christ has obeyed! Your part is the blessing. God knew you can’t obey so He sent Jesus to obey, so that you can be blessed. You are blessed going out and you are blessed coming in. You are blessed in your basket and in your store house. The blessings of God will come on you and overtake you in Jesus’ name
Further Reading: Romans 6:1-14
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 2 Chronicles 25-27; Evening- John 16
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