Calvary Pointers Morning Showers 16 October 2023 Devotional by Reverend Ajisafe Opeyemi -Dealing With Anger
A hot-tempered person starts fights; a cool-tempered person stops them.
Proverbs 15:18 NLT
Proverbs 15:18 NLT
Anger affects our lives physically, psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually. It also influences our performance in completing tasks or fulfilling our work responsibilities.
Anger is never entirely self-contained. It always has consequences that touch those around us. More important, anger has an impact on God.
According to medical researchers, it was discovered that unabated anger causes several ailments in the body system. It is one of the negative emotions that has been linked to a wide variety of ailments.
God didn’t create the human body to accommodate long-term anger. The medical profession currently puts high cholesterol, smoking, and anger on equal footing when it comes to their destructive influence. Anger has both immediate and lasting effects.
When a person becomes angry, his heart beats faster, blood pressure rises, and hands begin to sweat. These natural responses occur immediately and require no thought or intention. Muscles tense and digestion is hindered. The face turns red and the person tends to speak in a louder than normal voice.
In addition, the body produces a surge of adrenaline to deal with crisis. This allows the person to have greater strength to fight or run away as fast as possible. But adrenaline can be both friend and foe.
When anger is suppressed, the body continues to produce adrenaline in small quantities to address the perceived danger that the mind and heart indicate is present.
Anger is extremely detrimental to human body. It produces a state of internal stress. The long-term effects include ulcers, heart ailments, strokes, arthritis, and depression. Every system and organ in the body is affected in a negative way.
Rather than own up to anger, people tend to attribute negative physical symptoms to stress. They’re either not aware or refuse to acknowledge that anger is to blame.
No issue and no amount of anger is worth holding on to if it destroys your health.
Sensible people control their temper; they earn respect by overlooking wrongs.
Proverbs 19:11 NLT
Beloved, anger is a deadly terminator. Do away with its surge on your emotions. It destroys at will. Wherever you have been wounded as a result of anger, may you receive healing this morning.
Good morning. May you experience unlimited joy, peace and happiness at work today.
God bless you.
MORNING SHOWERS Today, 16 October 2023 was written by Reverend Ajisafe Opeyemi; is the founder and Senior Pastor of Calvary Pointers Covenant Church situated at Block C, Road A, Unity Estate, Gbaga Bus Stop, by Ijede Rd, Ikorodu Lagos,Nigeria
For counseling, testimonies and prayers, please contact +2347062715130
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