Billy Graham Devotional 3 October 2023 – Science and Religion
Science and Religion
He reveals profound mysteries beyond man’s understanding. He knows all hidden things, for he is light . . . —Daniel 2:22 (TLB)
The fact of the matter is that science and faith complement each other, and there is no conflict between true science and true religion. Together they give the best foundation for wholesome faith and courage for daily living. When Galileo, the father of modern science, discovered that the earth revolved, instead of the sun moving around the earth, certain religious leaders were greatly disturbed, for they held another theory. But eventually they were reconciled.
Since that day we have happily found that true science is compatible with a deep religious faith. So Christianity is what we might term: supra-scientific. There are highways beyond science that lead to truth. Christ Jesus was the Master of spiritual truth, and He imparts these truths to us-as we work out a working relationship with Him.
Prayer for the day
Thank You, Father, for the revelation of Your love when You gave Your beloved Son to die for me. Nothing science will ever discover will surpass this divine miracle!
Written by Billy Graham, Founder of Billy Graham Evangelistic Association(BGEA). BGEA exists to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ by every effective means and to equip the church and others to do the same.
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