Joel Osteen Daily Inspiration for Today 16TH October.
You have to be honest with yourself. Maybe there are some bitter roots you need to pull up. You’ve allowed offenses to stay. That’s okay. Today can be the uprooting day. Today can be the day you let things go. You can forgive who hurt you, not focus on what they did, not be obsessed over who’s not celebrating you, living to prove to them who you are. You have nothing to prove. God is proud of you. God is cheering you on.
He’s going to make up for the wrongs. Hurts come, but God heals. Unfair things happen, but God pays you back. We all have some ashes, but God gives you beauty for the ashes. Now, do your part and keep the offenses out. Develop this habit of letting go and reaching forward. Live in a continual state of forgiveness.
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