Relationship Gist
How do I even wakeup in the morning to pray? knowing that last night I slept in different rooms from my wife because of Unforgiveness.
Where will I find the courage to cheat on her,? knowing that I take God with me everywhere that I go.
Where will I find the strength to lay a finger on her? Knowing that my prayers will not only be hindered, but hers as well.
What kind of songs will I sing in worship with my maker? When I keep secrets from my wife.
On what grounds will I remind God of His promises? When I have broken the promises I made to my spouse at the altar.
Is there a prayer point that can make God overlook a husband who dishonors his wife & a wife who ridicules her husband?
Can somebody just compose a worship song we can sing to get God's attention when we are keeping malice with our wives?
How will our prayers come early when we hangout with the boys at the bar and come home late to a tired-of-waiting sleeping wife?
How can my marriage be heaven on earth when Angels don't dwell in a place where there is strife and dislove?
How do I even pay my tithe when my wife is looking ruggedy and unkept?
Being a believer makes it difficult for you to have a bad marriage. It is just not possible to fail. If the love for your spouse does not humble you, your love for God will. Because when you treasure you relationship with God you will always want to be right with Him at all times, and being right with Him means being right with your spouse. You forgive not because what they did doesn't hurt you, but because to approach God you must first be without unforgiveness in your heart. You are not faithful because you don't find other people attractive, you are faithful because there is a God who has never been unfaithful to you. What humbles you two is the third person in that circle; ME, MY SPOUSE, AND GOD. I won't break my marriage vow because I don't know how, I will do all I can to keep my promises because I am in a covenant with a God who has never broken His.
Is anybody catching this good stuff, it is Soo deep guys. This understanding makes me divorce proof! The devil will always have his butt KICKED!
Com'on guys, I urge you to embrace and live by this understanding, oh it places you on an advantage, a higher advantage that the devil cannot match, never in his lifetime. Oh I meet attractive women everyday, beautiful ladies that will say yes to go down with me without me saying a word, but at those moment, the first thing that comes to my mind is "uncle, you know you'll talk to God in 5minutes right? Is this worth that disconnection?", other times its "hmmm, how will you study your Bible tonight?" ... And that settles it! Nothing is worth that disconnection.
Get this guys, when you find someone who loves and fears the Lord, someone who values every minute of his/her relationship with God, you won't have to do anything to humble them, God will do that for you."
Written by: Peter D'Rock
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