Billy Graham Devotional 21 November 2023 – Life Worth Living
Life Worth Living
. . . ye might have life through his name. — John 20:31
“Is life worth living?” To scores of people life has ceased to be worth living. To all of you I have good news. God did not create you to be a defeated, discouraged, frustrated, wandering soul, seeking in vain for peace of heart and peace of mind. He has bigger plans for you. He has a larger orb and a greater life for you.
The answer to your problem, however great, is as near as your Bible, as simple as first-grade arithmetic, and as real as your heartbeat. Upon the authority of God’s Word, I tell you that Christ is the answer to every baffling perplexity which plagues mankind. In Him is found the cure for care, a balm for bereavement, a healing for our hurts, and a sufficiency for our insufficiency.
Prayer for the day: Teach me, Lord, as today I read Your Word, that the life You would have me live is one of joy and fulfillment.
Written by Billy Graham, Founder of Billy Graham Evangelistic
Association(BGEA). BGEA exists to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ by
every effective means and to equip the church and others to do the
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