Calvary Pointers Morning Showers 08 November 2023 Devotional by Reverend Ajisafe Opeyemi
- Pursue Excellence:Discipline
Daniel 1:8 - But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.
Daniel was our case study yesterday. A man that purposed in his heart not to defile himself with the portion of the king's meal. He knew who he was and should run from anything that could contaminate his life and destiny.
Many are products of excellence but have allowed defilement as a result of indiscipline. They couldn't control their appetite and they suffer a great loss that's too difficult to recover.
What loss have you experienced, simply because you can't just control your appetite. Your love and greed for money. Your lust for people of opposite sex. Your gluttony for food and likes that has brought you under heavy torture and severe bondage. You can still find your way out today. Come to Jesus. Control your appetite. Don't allow the devil to sink your destiny and glory.
Run from whatever can contaminate your life. In Proverbs 1:10, the scripture says,, "My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not." Never walk in the counsel of the ungodly.
We were instructed yesterday to always remember the God factor. Today, we are looking at the personal factor. God expects of you to discharge your duties accordingly to be relevant.
Be a man of discipline. You must discipline yourself to earn your desired success. You must also discipline your mind and actions to attain the heights God has designated for you.
Work when you are to work. You must make hays while the sun shines. Focus on your goals and aspirations and kick against anything that can jeopardize your purpose in life.
Daniel determined and purposed in his heart not get contaminated. He was in a strange land, land of servitude but still remain a righteous man against all odds.
Beloved, until you become a man of purpose you cannot become the sought-after man. Set your boundaries where necessary and strive to be at your best.
God bless you
Good Morning
MORNING SHOWERS Today, 08 November 2023 was written by
Reverend Ajisafe Opeyemi; is the founder and Senior Pastor of Calvary
Pointers Covenant Church situated at Block C, Road A, Unity Estate,
Gbaga Bus Stop, by Ijede Rd, Ikorodu Lagos,Nigeria
For counseling, testimonies and prayers, please contact +2347062715130
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