Calvary Pointers Morning Showers 01 December 2023 Devotional by Reverend Ajisafe Opeyemi
- "A Well-Watered Breed In A Parched World"
Jeremiah 17:7-8 NLT
Flourishing in Jesus is about leaving behind a shallow faith for a deeper walk with Him. It is not about attaining perfection or arriving at a specific destination. Its not about having your life put together or avoiding struggles. Its about flourishing where you have been planted. As a Well-Watered Breed, you won't have a perfect life, but it will be full of hope, brimming with purpose, and fueled by grace.
For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water - Jeremiah 2:13 KJV
Jeremiah used the image of a broken cistern to describe the Israelites’ wayward desires. Choosing sin and idol worship is like drinking from a broken, dirty cistern. It only leads to sickness of the soul. But choosing Christ, the fountain of living waters, leads to salvation of the soul.
Drinking from broken wells is part of the human condition. We spend a lot of our lives trying to force empty wells to provide for us. Just as you can’t make a broken mug hold your beverages, you can’t make an idol yield lasting joy.
Our empty wells may look different from those of Jeremiah’s day, but they result in the same disappointment. Maybe you have turned to one of those wells for satisfaction and was disappointed.
The list of empty wells and broken cisterns we drink from could be so numerous, perfection, health, relationships, promotions, homes, and more.
The fountain of Christ’s blood, shed for you, still flows freely. Set aside your broken cisterns and receive the mercy of God, made possible through his Son. Stoop low to drink today.
Beloved, make a list of the broken mugs and empty wells that you have turned to for satisfaction. Ask God to help you set them aside and look only to him. Whatever you’ve sought apart from the Savior, God can redeem it for his glory.
You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.
Psalms 16:11 NLT
Your empty wells shall be filled with satisfying water from this month. Your thirst shall be quenched, as you'd drink to your satisfaction. Your life, ministry, career, and all that's yours shall be well - watered.
I welcome you to the last lap of the year. Happy new month.
God bless you!
MORNING SHOWERS Today, 01, December 2023 was written by
Reverend Ajisafe Opeyemi; is the founder and Senior Pastor of Calvary
Pointers Covenant Church situated at Block C, Road A, Unity Estate,
Gbaga Bus Stop, by Ijede Rd, Ikorodu Lagos,Nigeria
For counseling, testimonies and prayers, please contact +2347062715130
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